Parents, Teachers,
Staff & Friends
Enhancing Our Children’s
Learning Experience
Funds raised will be used to directly support an extensive range of enrichment and enhancement activities and equipment.
The recent few years fundraising paid for or helped with:
3D Printer Digital Cameras
Sports Kit
Bike Sheds
High Powered Microscope
Residential Trips And more!
Please help us to provide the best possible opportunities for students at Christleton High School by supporting the CHSA. We cannot do it without you.
Like our Facebook page for the latest news and updates
Shop at and Amazon donates to us
We are well on our way to funding the new wellbeing room!
Your School Lottery
A CHANCE OF WINNING £25,000 in a separate draw EVERY WEEK!
Tickets cost just £1 per ticket, per week and 40% of all ticket sales are donated to our school to ENHANCE OUR CHILDREN'S LEARNING EXPERIENCE! (36% goes to prizes, 20% to the Your School Lottery company (not the CHSA) and 4% to VAT).
A GUARANTEED winner EVERY WEEK with our very own LOCAL DRAW!
Winnings are paid straight into the account of your choosing.
JOIN via direct debit or a one off payment.
In addition to our ongoing fundraising for enrichment equipment and activities we are also fundraising to help:
Donations we have supported during 2024 -
- MATHS - KS3 White Rose Textbooks
- BITE - Economics Textbooks, Calculators
- DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY - Scroll Saw and 3D Printer
- PHOTOGRAPHY - Backdrops and Light Wands
- MUSIC - Choir Folders
- ART - Pyrography Pens, Watercolours and Pencils
- LITERACY - KS3 Books with Covers for Library
- SEN - Nurture Room
- WellBeing Garden
Thank you for all your Donations: Cash, Raffle Prizes, Sweets Drinks & Raffle Ticket Purchases.
We couldn’t do it without your support.
Please remember to Gift Aid your donation if you pay UK taxes. Doing so increases a £5 donation to £6.25.
Become a business sponsor and we will add you to our Sponsors List on our CHSA website with a link to your company website.*
* Subject to CHSA approval. We can discuss with you beforehand, our guidelines.
Click a section below to expand
Raffle Prize Donations
We’ve received some wonderful Raffle Prizes over the years from very generous business owners and parents. We greatly appreciate their support.
We send out over 16,500 raffle tickets each Christmas which lists the businesses donating prizes - great free exposure for your business.
If you’d like to donate please send us an email to let us know.
We can arrange easy collection at your place of business.
Become a business sponsor and we will add you to our Sponsors List on our CHSA website with a link to your company website.*
* Subject to CHSA approval. We can discuss with you beforehand, our guidelines.
Employee Matching Gift Scheme
You Donate, Your Employer Donates Too! Also any company can set one up. Please ask your Human Resources Department to find out more.
It offers tax savings and provides a great way to fulfil Corporate Social Responsibility.
We understand the following businesses offer this program but more may do so as well:
- 3i
- 3i Deutschland GmbH
- Abbey National plc
- ABN Amro Bank
- Accenture
- Alliance & Leicester plc
- Alliance Capital Ltd
- American Express
- Amoco Foundation, Inc
- Andersen
- Argos plc
- AstraZeneca
- Bank of America
- Bank of England
- Bank of Scotland
- Barclays Bank plc
- Barclays Capital
- Barclays Group
- BOC Group plc
- Boston Consulting Group
- BP
- Bradford and Bingley plc
- Bristol-Myers Squibb
- British Telecommunications plc
- Cable & Wireless
- C & A Stores
- Camelot Group plc
- Capital International Research
- Centrica plc
- Chase Manhattan
- Citibank Group
- Coutts Bank
- Credit Suisse First Boston
- De La Rue
- Deloitte Consulting
- Deutsche Bank
- Dixons Group
- Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein
- EMI Group plc
- Ernst & Young
- Exxon Mobil
- GlaxoSmithKline plc
- Goldman Sachs
- Guardian Royal Exchange plc
- Invensys
- JPMorgan & Co Inc
- Kingfisher plc
- Littlewoods Organisation
- McKinsey & Co
- Merrill Lynch Mercury
- Microsoft Corporation Inc
- Moody's Investors Services Ltd
- Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
- National Grid Transco
- National Power plc
- National Westminster Bank plc
- Northern Electric plc
- Norwich Union plc
- Pearson
- Pfizer
- Proctor & Gamble
- Reuters
- Robert Fleming & Co
- Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc
- Schroders plc
- Scottish and Southern Energy plc
- Seaboard
- Shell
- Sigma Securities
- SIT Investment Associates Foundation
- Sky Broadcasting
- Stagecoach Holdings plc
- Standard & Poor’s
- Tesco plc
- Texaco
- Thames Water
- The Economist Group
- UBS Warburg
- Vodafone
- Warner Music International
- William M Mercer
PAYE Payroll Giving
Payroll Giving is a way of giving money to charity without paying tax on it. It must be paid through PAYE from your wages or pension.
The amount of tax relief you as an employee get depends on the rate of tax you pay.
The donation will be taken from your pay before tax but after National Insurance.
The company makes deductions each time they run payroll then sends the donations to their Payroll Giving Agency to pass the donations on to CHSA.
The company needs to set up the scheme through a below Payroll Giving Agency and but the company will run the scheme.
Payroll Giving Agencies:
Sweets Drinks & Raffle Ticket Purchases at School Events
We also raise funds through these sales at:
- Drama Productions (Joseph and Mary Poppins)
- Music Performances
- Dance Shows
- Year 7 Welcome Event
- Parents Evenings
Event tickets are on sale through the CHS Box Office
Thank you for your purchases! It really goes a long way toward fundraising for the school. 100% of all profits go toward Enhancing Our Children's Learning Experience through activities and equipment.
Thank you to all of our wonderful sponsors! Their donations of prizes, time and funds through the years have greatly helped us enhance the children’s learning experience through new equipment and activities. Please support them all in supporting us and visit their websites and establishments.
Become a sponsor today!
Please donate Funds or Raffle Prizes and we will happily add you to our Sponsors List with a link to your company website.*
* Subject to CHSA approval. We can discuss with you beforehand, our guidelines.
Through Your Donations and Sweets, Drinks & Raffle Ticket Purchases, CHSA has Funded or Contributed Towards:
- 3D Printer
- Digital Cameras
- Robot Kits
- Bike Sheds
- Display Cabinets
- Lower School Playground Equipment
- Business Development Courses
- 6th Form Young Enterprise Scheme
- Big Dig Event
- Overseas Charity Trip
- Laser Cutter
- High Powered Microscope
- Sports Kit
- Stereos
- Chromebooks
- iPads
- iResearch Centre Accessories
- First Aid Courses
- Futures Week
- Learning to Work Residential Trip
- PE Mats
- Anemometers (An instrument for measuring the speed of the wind, or of any current of gas)
When CHSA has raised enough money we ask school if they would like us to help them with the cost of a large project or if they would prefer the individual departments to bid for smaller amounts of money. We ask school to satisfy two out of the three following criteria when applying for funding:
- Maximise the number of students who benefit from the award
- Enriches or enhances the learning experience of students
- Sustainability - future students will also benefit
Please volunteer as little as 3 hours per year.
Our Volunteers Have Supported, Selling Sweets Drinks & Raffle Tickets:
- Joseph
- Mary Poppins
- Music Concerts
- Dance Shows
- Year 7 Welcome Event
- Parents’ Evenings
We Couldn’t Do It Without You!
We also need volunteers to come to our committee meetings. We are a small but friendly group who meet about 5 or 6 times a year. We discuss up and coming events and when we have raised enough money, we discuss how it should be distributed.
- Chairperson
- Vice Chairperson
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Assistant to Treasurer
- Stock Organiser
- Donation Sourcing Organiser (for raffles prizes)
With more help we could do more for the school. Get in touch if you’d like to fulfil any of the above roles.
Contact us
To Volunteer or Contact Us please complete the form below or email [email protected]
The minutes of CHSA meetings are available to members. Please contact us for a copy.
Privacy Policy
In brief - We will only ask you for the minimum amount of information that we need, we will keep it safe, we won’t pass it on to third parties and when we don’t need it anymore we will destroy it. We will treat your information as we would like our own to be treated. Click here for the full version of our commitments in this respect.
Sign up to receive updates from the CHSA including information on Events, Fundraising and News.
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Become an active member of the school community.
Come and join us as we strive to enhance our children’s learning experiences.
It’s a great way to get involved and get to know staff and other parents.